Project “DigiGlue” – News from the Saarbrücken Zeitung
On July 23, 2020, the Saarbrücker Zeitung reported on the current status of our DigiGlue project in its article “In Reinheim wird Geschichte wiederbelebt”.
On July 23, 2020, the Saarbrücker Zeitung reported on the current status of our DigiGlue project in its article “In Reinheim wird Geschichte wiederbelebt”.
On December 18, 2019, the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Saarland published Media Information 78/2019 titled “‘DigiGlue’ startet in Reinheim: Römische Wandmalerei entsteht neu” about our project of digital repositioning of Roman wall paintings. District Administrator Dr. Theophil Gallo is quoted in it as …
Pamela Malewicz, Undersecretary for Human Rights and Cultural Diversity of Buenos Aires, visited the MusterFabrik Berlin in May 2019 to get an impression regarding the research on the reconstruction of the archival materials of the Instituto Judío de Investigaciones (IWO). Fraunhofer IPK provided information about this …
On 14.02.2018 George G. Szpiro reported in the Neue Züricher Zeitung under the title “Der Computer als Meisterpuzzler” about the MFB project for the digital reconstruction of the “Leibniz manuscripts”. George G. Szpiro writes very aptly: „Es entbehrt nicht der Ironie, dass die Leibniz-Fragmente mithilfe von …
In IEEE Spectrum (February 2018 print issue), an article titled “Forensic Software Pieces Together Leibniz’s Last Puzzle” was published by Michael Dumiak on January 23, 2018, which discusses the MFB project to digitally reconstruct the “Leibniz Manuscripts” and illustrates the relevance of the project as follows: …
Matthias Wehry from Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library – Lower Saxony State Library has published an article on o|bib – Das offene Bibliotheksjournal (Volume 4, Number 4 (2017)) about our project of the digital reconstruction of the “Leibniz Manuscripts” with the title ” Digitale Rekonstruktion von historischem …
On 19.09.2017, the state capital of Hanover published a press release about the Leibniz exhibition “Leibniz in best company”, which took place from 22 September to 15 October 2017. The “Leibniz Demonstrator” of the MusterFabrik Berlin could also be tried out on site.
On July 11, 2017, the Kölner Wochenspiegel reported under the title “Einblicke in das Stadtarchiv – So wird das ‚Gedächtnis‘ der Stadt wiederhergestellt” on the cleaning, digitization and digital reconstruction of the documents and archive records damaged in the collapse on March 3, 2009. The Kölner …
The Volkswagen Foundation has published a video report on flux – the first Lower Saxony Research Day on 06.05.2017, which also shows our “Leibniz Demonstrator” from minute 1:53. The video of the Volkswagen Foundation can be viewed here:
The city of Cologne informs about the rebuilding of the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (HAStK) in a publication titled “Bergen, Ordnen, Restaurieren” (Recover, Arrange, Restore). Starting on page 42, our project for the digital reconstruction of the “Cologne Fragments” is also described.